Discord Servers

This is a list of the ZSR communities Discord Servers for help and general talk.

If you have a server you would like to add to the list, contact @trezc0_ via Twitter or a Staff member of the ZeldaSpeedRuns Discord Server.

Make sure to follow the server rules!


Invite Link

The Legend of Zelda

Invite Link

The Adventure of Link

Invite Link

The Wand of Gamelon, The Faces of Evil & Zelda's Adventure

Invite Link

A Link to the Past

Invite Link

Ocarina of Time

Invite Link

Link's Awakening DX

Invite Link

Majora's Mask

Invite Link

Oracles of Ages / Seasons

Invite Link

Four Swords

Invite Link

Ocarina of Time Master Quest

Invite Link

The Wind Waker

Invite Link

Four Swords Adventures

Invite Link

The Minish Cap

Invite Link

Twilight Princess / Twilight Princess HD

Invite Link

Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks

Invite Link

Link's Crossbow Training

Invite Link

Ocarina of Time: 3D

Invite Link

Skyward Sword (+HD)

Invite Link

The Wind Waker HD

Invite Link

A Link Between Worlds

Invite Link

Hyrule Warriors

Invite Link

Majora's Mask: 3D

Invite Link

Triforce Heroes

Invite Link

Breath of The Wild

Invite Link

Tingle Games 1/2

Invite Link

Cadence of Hyrule

Invite Link

Tears of the Kingdom

Invite Link

Echoes of Wisdom

Invite Link