Any% Route
Obtaining the South West Sea Chart
- Oshus's house
- Monsters CS
- Speak with Oshus
- Sword chest, draw a 7 on the sign
- Exit cave
- Sword Tutorial Skip
Practice Cave
- Free Linebeck
- Roll through middle after key (If you have 1 1/2 Hearts)
- Small key
- Left switch
- Right switch
- SW chart
- Death Warp to the beginning (You can void in the pit to the right to take damage away quicker)
Spirit of Power
- Head back to the ship
- Scratch the symbol off the bottom right island
- Sail to Isle of Ember (curve path more than you think to avoid getting stuck on the island)
- Speak with Kayo on the far right of the Island (remember torch locations to free Astrid)
- Astrid fight(end up by door)
- Free Astrid (Torch Locations):
1) Right part of the river in the top of the island
2) Bottom most house
3) Far right island speck
- Climb the mountain and enter Fire Temple
Fire temple
- Keese small key
- 4 switches(Spin attack in the middle)
- Carry a pot from the staircase on F1 and go up to F2
- Stand on the blue tiles and throw it at the switch
- Boomerang miniboss (Try and kill as many as you can without lagging the console >4 per spin)
- Bubble fight (wait a bit for them to overlap after the bounce on the wall, 1 boomerang throw)
- Pull both levers + Rat small key
- Octrock blue switch
- Small key by hitting in order Bottom-Left, Top-Right, Top-Left, Bottom-Right, Top-Center (for the key)
- Fire Keese + Yellow Chu fight
- Try and kill the Keese at the start and stun and kill both Chus, then kill the remaining Keese
- Big key
1) Combine the Imps in increasing order of the horns as they appear on the top of the screen.
2) Stun Blaaz with Boomerang
3) Then Jump attack, Spin Attack x4 or Double Spin Attack x2 (slow your spins down so that it hits twice). Repeat 1-3 Once
4) When you stun him for the third time, just Double Spin Attack him twice.
- Head back to Astrid's house to complete this portion of the quest
- Talk to Linebeck by the ship to go back to Mercay Island
- Once on Mercay head to TotOK
- Hit switch in the upper right corner of the map
- Go back to the center of the area and use the boomerang to light the torches
- Get past the phantoms and head upwards towards the key
- Go to the right of the key and step on the switch.
- Grab the key
(Note: If you can lure the phantoms to the key you can Knockout warp and save 6-8 seconds.)
- Go to the locked door in the upper right and advance in the dungeon.
- Get attention of phantom
- Bottom-Right switch
- Middle Lever
- Top-Left switch
- Boomerang Clip to get key
- Unlock the door and continue
B3(timing and cycles are important here)
- Upper left force gem
- Throw then roll to the force gem and place it in cross-section at middle of room
- Lever on bottom-left
- Step on the switch to kill the bottom right Phantom
- Grab its key
- Bottom right force gem (throw it to where bottom two paths meet)
- Bottom left force gem
- Place them all in the pedestals
- NW chart
Spirit of Wisdom
Cannon Island
- Head back to Linebeck and sail to the island South-West of Mercay
- Talk to Fuzo in the house
- CI cave (Killing all the rats is optional, but highly recommended)
- Bomb to destroy barrier
- Second bomb past fence
- Push blocks+kill rats
- Bomb + exit cave
- Alternatively, you can go for Bomb Garden Skip (Not recommended)
- Bomb rocks + kill Red Chus for safety if you need to
- Bomb destroy-able blocks
- Bonk into the right side of the tree below the rocks. (200 Rupees)
- DO NOT bonk from the left, as the rupee will fall into the water
- Cannon
- Skip mailbox (Destroy the sign)
At this point until you get the Salvage Arm, whenever sailing, kill enemies to get rupees. You need a minimum of 200 rupees after you get the Sun Key Crest, but ideally you should have 300.
- Follow ghost ship (stay as close to the right barrier as possible and turn towards Isle of gust)
- Molida Island
- Select 'No' upon arriving
- Wayfarer’s son (talk to him, go to entrance w/o leaving house, then talk to him again, prompt 'Yes')
- Zora warrior fight
- Shovel (don’t need to look at the chart in the true hideout)
Isle of Gust
- Leave the Island
- Follow ghost ship path (Go up and around the right side of the 2nd rock on the bottom right, then slalom to the rock to the direct left, circle around the rock directly above it, continue going around the rock [left side] directly above that one and make your way out to the tip of the rock wall.)
- Ciela fence skip (very minor, saves 2ish seconds)
- Blow puzzle
1) Kill worm with bomb on first platform
2) Blow bottom-right wind turbine
3) Blow top-left turbine
4) Blow bottom-left
- Head to the entrance of the dungeon
Temple of Wind
- Roll to the right and Tap door over the wall
- Throw bomb at the tile and boomerang the bomb flower to the left of the tile (or just wait for the bomb to explode)
- Snake fight (boomerang kill 3, stab last)
- OctoROCK fight(throw bombs)
- Step on the switch in the middle of the room
- Push block up two spaces and cover the 3rd vent
- Kill first worm
- Shovel bottom right, top right, top left, bottom left and exit at bottom left of room
- Pull the fan
- Re-enter from bottom left and go to top
- Push the fan
- Small key
- Head to top left key door of B2
- Bomb Chest
- Bomb the wall and exit top-left of B2
- (Kill chus in upper right corner of B1 because they are almost impossible to dodge)
- Double bomb puzzle skip (Either boomerang or bomb the right switch and slash the other)
- Big Key(throw bomb from platform into wind vents before picking up the key)
- Throw bombs at Cyclok when he is on the ground for a 2 cycle (Bomb refills on the arena edges)
Cyclone Slate
- Uncharted island
- Cyclone slate(rudder right, Spray top, paddle bottom, eye left)
- Get the NW frog (Directly to the NW of Uncharted Island.)
- Savewarp after the Frog
- Head to Mercay Island
- B1 skip with bombs
- B2 same as previous visit
- B3 Grab the Force gem in the upper left, throw it to the center(along top then middle down) then run around the left and get on the platform using the shovel. Rest is same as the previous visit.
- B4 boomerang clip to get the key
- Try to avoid having the Phantom Eyes see you, since they spawn another phantom
- B5 Fights (safety red potion after)
- B6 Crested door, wait a bit for the first phantom eye to move (upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right, upper left)
- Sun Key Crest (On Wii U, hit ZR to open up the VC Menu and then close it to activate the crest)
Spirit of Courage
- Get the SW golden frog on the way to Cannon Island
- Run along the fence to avoid the mailbox
- Cannon island blow for 200 rupee salvage arm (Or 300 if you have enough rupees)
- Sun key (Don't stop on the crest; use the salvage arm while moving to avoid some text)
Molida Island
- Sea Monster fight
- 3 hits, make sure you're moving when it spits the 3rd ball at you after each hit (otherwise it will spit more balls)
- Secret hideout(below tree after mailbox)
- Sun key door
- Hit first statue with boomerang
- Hit second statue (do not turn)
- Zora warriors fight+ third statue
- Turn second statue
Temple of Courage
Note: You take a ton of damage in this dungeon. You have a safety potion (if grabbed).
- Roll clip through first two rolling spike things(you need to skip healing with the heart pots to make this cycle)
- Small key
- Moldorm fight(either boomerang strats or jumpslash spin attacks)
- Change switch to BLUE
- Pol’s voice small key (blow to stun, then slash to kill)
- Up, down, right, left levers for square gem
- Invisible path puzzle(two right, two down, six left, one up, one left, 2 up, one left, one down, two left to grab the bow.)
- Change switch to RED while on the invisible path
- Move square (Killing moldorms on 1F is really helpful)
- Use bow to kill all the octoroks
- Bomb block and use damage invincibility to roll past the spike trap
- Use a bomb for damage invincibility past electric traps
- Light all 6 torches
- Hit arrow pod with boomerang twice
- Change switch to BLUE
- Pol’s voice (Again, blow into mic, then slash to kill)
- Drawing block puzzle (up, down, right in one curved line, then left, void, BK and then line down middle)
- Crayk- shoot before opening CS starts, destroy shell using arrows, arrow to his face and slash tail (Hit based fight: 3 hits on tail per cycle.)
Ghost Ship
- Go back to Linebeck
- Jolene RNG fight 1
- Frog warp to North West sea (Ͷ)
- Sail into fog
- Ghost ship chase
Ghost ship
- First sister fight
- Hit first and second switch(second after crossing its spikes)
- triangle+second sister
- Circle+ third sister
- Pull switches in order 4th, 1st, 5th, 2nd, 3rd.
- Skip orb switch
- Floor switch among barrels
- Purple potion
- Fourth sister
- Cubus Sisters Fight
- Red will always shoot first and die first.
- The remaining 3 will shoot randomly. All will take 2 hits.
- The last sister will heal to 3 hits after the 2nd and 3rd die.
- Ghost key
- Free Tetra
SE + NE Charts
- Sail to Zauz’s island
- Walk downwards to skip the mailbox
- Talk to Zauz
- Leave and warp to SW frog (Ϫ)
TotOK 4
- B1 same as before
- B2 same as previous visit
- B3 Grab Force Gem in upper right, bring it down behind the swift phantom, shoot the other swift phantom(with the key) then kill it from the platform because it is much safer
- B4 shoot the eye to the right of the entrance, boomerang clip to get the key
- B5 boomerang for bubbles, bow for moldorms
- B6 draw triforce this time
- Midpoint - You can restock if you need to, but it's not necessary
- B7 descend to B8
- B8 cross invisible bridge and go back up to B7
- B7 boomerang switch under phantom
- Grab the circle -Descend to B8
- B8 cross the invisible bridge again and place the circle in the pedestal
- Activate the floor switch, pick up the circle, ride the wind vent and throw the circle across.
- Descend to B9, grab the triangle, then go back up to B8
- Ride the wind vent, then use upper invisible bridge to cross
- Kill swift phantom (Shoot the back, then slash it into the void), blow up block, place triangle and activate switch
- Bring circle and triangle to B9
- B9 use the bow to get the square
- Place in order: square circle triangle
- SE chart (Refill on arrows)
- bow first warp phantom and run past it
- bomb the entrance of the inner part on the bottom
- get attention of phantom eye and get key from warp phantom(with bomb or by stunning it with the bow)
- Activate switch on the other side
- Open locked door
- Top left lever
- Boomerang and kill the phantom eye
- Top right lever (wait for the phantom to turn down)
- Ride the wind vent and hit the right + left floor switches)
- Ride the wind vent at the bottom (shoot the phantom on the way)
- Hit the right floor switch
- Stand on the bottom right corner of that platform and throw a bomb at the crystal switch
- Left floor switch
- Descend to B12
- Kill phantom eye (Boomerang or Bow)
- first force gem, stun normal phantom with bow
- stun warp phantom and take both force gems to safe zone on top
- Kill second phantom eye and open the chest for the third piece
- Aggro the swift phantom, throw the force gem to the right, and run to the safe zone
- Shoot the swift phantom when it turns around
- Run down to spawn the warp phantom, throw the force gem in front of it, then run back to the middle area
- Stun the warp phantom in the middle and place all 3 pieces
- NE chart
- Warp to SW frog (Ϫ)
- Sail to SE, activate the frog near Isle of Frost
The route diverges here depending on if you want to go for Regal Necklace Skip. This trick does not work on the Japanese version of the game.
Regal Necklace Skip
- Sail to NE, activate the frog
- Warp to NW (Ͷ), sail to Isle of Gust
- Leave Isle of Gust, and Savewarp (Safety Save)
- Regal Necklace Skip
- Sail NE into the mini cyclones and warp SE (W) the frame before you get sucked into one.
- If you succeeded (you'll warp to an unnatural spot in the SE sea), warp NE twice (First warp will be Out of Bounds, second will be inside the rock circle)
- If you failed, soft reset the game and try again.
- Activate the salvage arm and immediately cancel to re-activate sailing controls
- Sail to Isle of Ruin
No Regal Necklace Skip
- Skip NE frog and sail right to the Isle of the Dead
- Pray to RNGesus that the pirates aren't in a bad location
- To make this less random, you can sail around the first set of pirates on the left side of the SE quadrant. It loses 7 seconds, but reduces your chances of dying to almost 0.
- Mailbox skip
- Go past Rupee-likes
- Enter pyramid (up right right up up)
- Regal Necklace
- SE frog warp (W)
- Sail to Isle of Ruin
Routes converge here.
Isle of Ruin
- Zora warrior fight
- Rupee like boost
- Damage invincibility to go through rupee likes
- Third knight
- Second knight+key
- Place the key
- First knight
- Door(UL,UR,BR,M,BL,UL)
- Dual Zora Warrior fight (make sure you watch them die to avoid despawning them)
Mutoh’s temple
- Drop a bomb by right switch
- Break 2 bomb pots and bomb breakable wall
- Stalfos fight
- Activate first switch
- Savewarp to reset platform cycles
- Drop bomb by right switch(timing is important)
- More Stalfos and activate second switch
- B1-go across water and up to F1
- F1-up to F2
- F2 damage invincibility past rupee-like and go up to F3
- F3-miniboss (with bombs)
- switch on F2 go to F1
- Switch on F1 down to B1
- Hammer glitch with pause buffering on the switch by the door
- LOWER water by shooting the arrow through the door
- Head back to F1, then down to B1 again with the other set of stairs
- Boulders for small key
- Boulders for boss key
- B2 place boss key in middle of block and kill all stalfos with hammer
- Eox fight
- Last phase, do 6-7 hits, then use a bomb to damage yourself so you stay on the head, then do more hits until it's dead
Goron Island
- SW frog warp (Ϫ)
- Flying whale fight
- Talk to every goron but child and elder(route is get the ones in the lower left besides the one below the yellow chu ledge, cross over a screen, call the goron to press the switch, lower right ones, cross back over, upper left ledge and yellow chus, final goron below ledge)
- MAKE SURE you get the Ciela text after talking to the last Goron, otherwise you will softlock later.
- Head to the top left portion of the map
- Hammer glitch over void for early Goron Temple
Goron Temple
- Pot clips + armos push skip
- armos skip for raising door (use hammer from a distance)
- lead armos down to switch and then kill
- double armos fight
- Bomb between first two columns
- Bubbles fight with hammer
- Cyclops fight with hammer
- Destroy rock chus with gongoron
- Kill like likes and put gongoron on switch and then hammer link’s switch
- Kill eye slugs with gongoron
- Hammer glitch with pause buffering by the eye slugs then go down stairs
- Early Boss Key with Bombchu Camera Lock
- Kill the Eye Brutes with the hammer
- Use Bombchu Camera Lock and hit the two crystal switches from a distance
- Place a bomb next to the switch and head to the spikes that it triggers
- Use a bombchu to hit the bottom switch that's to the left
- Use a second bombchu to hit the top switch
- Use your boomerang to hit the switch that triggers the spikes and grab the key
Make your way to the boss door
Dodongorongo fight
Second phase use all but 1 bomb to damage, then spin/slash for the rest. Repeat and it should 2 cycle.
Return to the Elder and take his questionnaire
Goron Question Answers:
These will always be the first three, but in a random order.
How many homes are there on this island?
The Goron at this spot! What is he staring at?
How many Gorons live on this island?
These will only be used for question #4
Easy one, Stranger, what question number is this?
What color were the odd creatures on the cliff?
How many Goron children live on this island?
These will only be used for question #5
How many Gorons are outside right now?
How many Rupees have you won so far? Easy!
How many Gorons are in their homes right now?
These will be only be used for question #6
How many rocks are there in this home?
What is on this spot?
Of those Gorons outside, how many are adults?
- Talk to the left Gongoron
- Then talk to the Elder again
Isle of Frost
- SE frog warp (W)
- Destroy ice around isle of frost
- Talk to chief
- Talk to all Anoukis in homes, ending with the upper middle one. Then talk to the upper middle one again
- Talk to the chief again
- Cross to the ice field, picking up bombs in the cave in the middle
- Kill all 6 Yooks(bomb, then 2x hammer) watch all death animations to avoid despawning them
- Brown Yook (RNG) fight
Temple of Ice
- Change switch to RED
- Stand on lowered red blocks and hit the switch twice with the boomerang(need a circle in between because there is a delay)
- End standing ON TOP of the BLUE blocks while raised(if you go behind it isn’t a problem, see bombchu glitch)
- Place bombchu, have it do 2 circles, and then change the switch to RED
- Run to right in front of the stairs, then wait for the blocks to raise
- 2F-3F
- Place a bomb and hold it to activate orb
- Switches 1 4 3 2
- Boomerang switches (UR, UL, BL, BR, Key)
- Brown Yook RNG and white Yook
- Grappling Hook
Grapple Hook
- Gleeok is a scripted fight with only a couple ways of saving time.
1st Phase) The fight is laid out in a ping pong style approach. Use the grapple hook to bounce shots to the opposite head.
- During the tsunami, grapple the top posts together, stand on the post while the wave passes, and then use the rope as a brace so the current doesn't push you to the wall. Your main objective is to break all the ice blocks as fast as possible to advance the fight. Letting them hit the wall actually wastes time.
2nd Phase) This phase starts when the heads are exposed and they decide to break the top posts. This phase is sped up with a quick kill on the boss. One of the heads will start chomping. During this equip bombs and wait for him to stop chomping (takes 1-3 chomps) throw a bomb, grapple his tongue to the post, swap to hammer and do small hammer into big hammer. Do that a 2nd time, and the one head should be dead. On the last head, just do any damage as quickly as possible, as it has almost no health.
Final assault
- NW frog warp (Ͷ)
- Give metals to Zauz
- Mailbox
- Leave the island
If you are playing on the Japanese version and have followed the route correctly up until this point, Jolene should be very close by. Skip the savewarps, fight her, and return for the blade.
- Savewarp
- Jolene RNG fight 2
- Savewarp
- Pick up the phantom sword blade
- SW frogwarp (Ϫ)
- Talk to Oshus to get the Phantom sword completed
- Enter midpoint
- B7 grapple hook to circle chest, pick up the circle, descend to B8 on bottom right
- B8 Hammer glitch with pause buffering for switch on upper left descend to B9 on upper right
- B9 get the square from the swift phantom(killing it gives a CS, but is much safer)
- Place square in the pedestal on the left
- Pick up triangle
- Square circle Triangle
- B10 Bombchu top switch
- Push boulder on the left
- Bombchu/hammer clip bottom left switch
- Grapple hook to other side and bomb wall
- Open locked door
- B11 go through bottom right stairs to B12
- Hammer platform to go over wall
- Kill warp phantom
- Hit hammer switch on upper left
- Kill swift phantom and take the force gem to the center
- Stun the normal phantom and place all 3 gems
Final floor
- Kill all phantoms(use the red pot on the upper right, carry it down)
Bellum I phase I
- Pull the purple goo off of him using the grapple hook and pull him close to you. Use double spins and jump attacks while pulling him back to you to quickly end his water portions of the fight.
- This fight will always start with him in the water, him climbing a floor, falling back into the water, and then climbing up both floors.
Bellum I phase II
- Stop him with a phantom sphere as he comes close. Optimal DMG Strats: Double Spin x3, Jump Attack a lot, repeat.
Bellum II(ghost ship)
- I honestly don't know how this fight works. Just fire away at the purple eyes until they die.
- Collect 3 Time Spheres and wait for his eye to open.
- Draw an hourglass when his eye opens. Optimal damage strats: Double Spin x3, Slashes, Spin when the timer is about to run out.
- When going to do the 3rd time stop walk up to Bellumbeck (Reduces the chance of him spinning, which loses time)
Last updated 08/13/2021