By doing the seam walk near the archery range and megaflipping to unload the lower Gerudo Fortress Area, you can enter.
By performing Hookshot Clips, you can get to any area in the center area without keys, including getting to the Ice Arrow chest.
Use entry point glitch with a door in the center area to clip inside one of the gates and then walk to the Ice Arrow area.
Entry point glitch is also helpful as adult in Master Quest, as you can set your spawn inside of a wall and walk onto a small piece of collision beside the gate that you can hookshot. Doing a hookshot jump off of this gate allows you to bypass the ceiling and reach the Ice Arrows chest.
By doing a Longshot Clip into a corner near the key in the room with the lava and the silver rupees to get into the center area unloaded. By entering and exiting the unloaded room, you can duplicate the actors in the lava room, including the keys.