The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Current World Record (Any%)

Player Time Version
zeldacubed 0:26:44 USA

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Recent Edits

Page Category Updated
The Extra Heart Pieces Miscellaneous 03/01/2022
Spirit Temple Dungeons 04/22/2021
Hookshot/Longshot Clip Techniques 03/26/2021
Death Mountain Overworld 01/21/2020
Zora's Fountain Overworld 01/18/2020
Any% Routes 01/17/2020
Megaflip Techniques 01/12/2020
Any% (NG+) Routes 11/10/2019
B Item Benefits NewGame Plus 11/01/2019
Write Values with Y Button Bottle Adventure 08/30/2019