Fyrus Skip


By taking Epona out of bounds, you can bypass the rocks on the way to Lanayru Twilight. This allows you to skip bombs and Goron Mines.

The trick works by interrupting Epona's fall with a cutscene. Epona will continue falling past the void plane during the cutscene, so that once the cutscene is over, you can ride Epona around on the bottom of the map. The trigger to enter Lanayru Twilight is an air trigger, so riding Epona underneath the trigger will cause the the cutscene for entering Lanayru Twilight to play.

Bottle Method

Discovered by Dragonbane

Ride Epona into the corner past the Bridge of Eldin. Walk off the ledge and immediately use a bottle item (milk, potions, lantern oil, etc.). If using lantern oil, make sure the lantern is at half capacity or below. Once on the map floor, ride around the wall and towards the bright area in the green texture.

Midna Call Method

Discovered by Bewildebeest, Setup by TheBeanSeller

Ride Epona into the corner past the Bridge of Eldin. Try to approach from an angle that puts Epona as parallel to the ledge as possible. Hold target and zoom the camera out slightly, then turn Epona to the right until you are facing the rock (keep holding target throughout the trick until you call Midna). Back up as far as you can go, then turn Epona to the left until you are facing the corner of the ledge in the distance. Back up until Epona's right hoof is fully down, then call Midna. Make sure not to skip the text until the word "mountain" fully appears at the end of the second line in Midna's first text box. Once on the map floor, ride around the wall and towards the bright area in the green texture.

If the birds are after you, you can still do the trick as normal without killing them. The birds cannot hit you at all if you hold ZR to have Link duck.

Last updated 01/21/2025 – Jacquaid