Bottle Duplication

Trick Description

Bottle Duplication (commonly referred to as "bottle dupe" or "duping") is a technique that allows you to replace items in Link's inventory with a bottle. This may seem useless at first, but it is very helpful when collecting the Zora Eggs in a speedrun, since you then only have to collect one legitimate bottle. It is also a prerequisite to performing Bottle Adventure.

How To

ESS method

Discovered by nox_86, recreated by Skater
  1. Catch something emptyable in a bottle so that link has the full bottle in his hand (do not put away this bottle).
  2. Perform an ESS, such that link is shuffling his feet around on the spot
  3. Press the button for the bottle
  4. Very shortly after (almost instantly) press the button for a valid item (see notes below) regular mask or item with 0 item count.

If performed correctly, either a 0 item count sound will play, Link will put on a mask, or the Lens of Truth will turn on, and then Link will empty out the bottle. After this animation has played, the item or mask will be replaced with an empty bottle.


  • The bottle must be out and in link's hands when the ESS is performed.
  • The only items that are valid for ESS duping are non-transformation masks, Lens of Truth, countable items with 0 left, and explosives when there are already 3 explosives out.

Curiosity shop method 1 (Pausing)

Discovered by GlitchesAndStuff
  1. Talk to the curiosity shop owner
  2. Give him a bottled item; he will give you a price for it
  3. Hold the R trigger and press A to confirm and then immediately press Start afterwards †
  4. Replace the bottled item with the item you want to duplicate a bottle over
  5. Unpause and collect the rupees

You can mash the start button here if you find it easier. Without holding R, start must be pressed 6f after A; with R held, pressing start 6f or 7f after A works.

Curiosity shop method 2 (C-Button)

Discovered by GlitchesAndStuff
  1. Talk to the curiosity shop owner
  2. Give him a bottled item; he will give you a price for it
  3. Hold the R trigger and press A to confirm and then immediately press the C-button with the desired item afterwards ††
  4. Collect the rupees

†† See frame data described in method 1 above.

This video demostrates all 3 methods described above in order:

Equip Swap

See the Equip Swap page for details.


  • The first method, the ESS method is the easiest and most convenient to perform if bottles are required, as it is a quick and easy method which can be performed anywhere, however only a limited number of items may be duplicated over this way. The curiosity shop method is useful as not only can any item be duplicated over, but rupees are gained each time the trick is performed and the item isn't used up (up to 200 rupees if a valuable item is used). This makes it a great source of rupees, especially for 100% speedruns of the game in which rupees are required for the bank heart piece.

  • Of the two Curiosity Shop methods, the first method is a general method that will always work. The second method can only be used if the C-button item in question can be used inside the shop. This means it is mostly limited to duplicating over masks and other non-offensive items like the Ocarina or the Pictobox whereas the first method may duplicate over any item which can be equipped to the C-buttons.

  • Using collection delay makes the curiosity shop version of the trick extremely easy, but requires at least two bottles.

  • Using the same method as the Curiosity Shop versions of the trick, it is also possible to duplicate bottles in the Magic Hags' Potion Shop by depositing a Magic Mushroom. The trick works in the exact same way, but the downside is that it requires the Mask of Scents.

Last updated 01/08/2025 – bewildebeest