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Bottle Duplication

Bottle Duplication allows you to overwrite one of your C-button items with a Bottle, effectively giving you a new bottle to use. The item you overwrite may be permanently deleted, however. This technique is also necessary to get a Bottle on B. Duplicate Bottles are not recognized when obtaining potions, Poes, or Milk, and a Fairy in a duped Bottle will not revive Link automatically.

Pause Method

This method duplicates the Bottle on catch. This is useful for overwriting any items you can equip to C, or even overwriting a blank C-button if you don't want to overwrite any items.


  1. Swing a Bottle at something you can catch (Fish, Bugs, Fairy, Blue Fire).
  2. Pause the game as Link is swinging the Bottle.
  3. Equip the item you want to dupe over to the C-button that the Bottle was on.
  4. Unpause so Link can finish swinging and the Bottle should overwrite the new item.


  • You can duplicate over a blank C-button by equipping the Bottle over a blank C-button during the pause.
  • This method cannot be used to duplicate over the B-button.

Ocarina Items Method

Discovered by Raymond Guedez

This method duplicates the Bottle on drop. This is useful for overwriting any item that Link cannot pull out in mid-air, except for the Ocarina, show items, and spells. This can also be used to duplicate over the B-button. This also works on items such as deku sticks that you have 0 of. Trying to duplicate over certain items may result in an Ocarina Items effect.


  1. Catch something in a Bottle so that the full Bottle is still in Link's hand.
  2. Backflip and press the button for the Bottle followed by the button for the item you want to dupe over in mid-air.
  3. Link should empty the Bottle when he hits the ground, overwriting the new item.


  • This works with any item that cannot be used in mid-air except items that play a cutscene.
  • Because you must get a full Bottle in Link's hand, it is recommended to have something you can drop and re-catch such as Fish or Bugs.
  • This is the only method that duplicates the new item to an Empty Bottle instead of a full one, since the dupe is taking place on the drop instead of the catch.

Quickswap Method

Discovered by ZFG

This method duplicates the Bottle on catch. This is useful to overwrite items that do not interrupt the Bottle swing, such as the Lens of Truth or an item with 0 ammo. This can also be used to duplicate over the B-button. This is the fastest method of Bottle Duplication, but most precise.


  1. Swing a Bottle at something you can catch (Fish, Bugs, Fairy, Blue Fire).
  2. On the first frame Link starts swinging (first frame you see the Bottle in his hand), pause the game.
  3. Unpause and buffer the button for the new item you want to dupe over.
  4. If done correctly, the Bottle item should overwrite the new C-button.


  • It's possible to do this trick without Pause Buffering, but it is frame-precise.
  • Since you usually pause anyway, this method is mainly only preferred over the pause method if you want to duplicate over the B-button.
  • This method needs to be done the first time bottle is in hand, otherwise the input for the button you are duping over will not go through.

Shieldswipe Method

Discovered by Acryte

This method duplicates the Bottle on catch. This is useful to overwrite items that Link cannot use while crouching, however it requires a shield to crouch. This can also be used to duplicate over the B-button. This method has an advantage over the quickswap method, since it can overwrite more items.


  1. Get a Bottle in Link's hand (empty or full).
  2. Stand in front of something you can catch in a Bottle (Fish, Bugs, Fairy, Blue Fire).
  3. Hold R to crouch with your shield out.
  4. While shielding, press the button for the new item you want to dupe over.
  5. While still holding R, hold Z and the button for the Bottle.
  6. Release R to swing the Bottle and catch the item.
  7. If done correctly, the bottled item should overwrite the new item.


  • Interestingly, the shield swipe technique can be used to swing a bottle even if it is already full, and catch something new instead. The usefulness of this is limited however, since you must already have a full Bottle in Link's hand.
  • This is the only known method to duplicate a Bottle directly over the Fishing Rod, since the Fishing Rod cannot be used while Link is crouching.

RBA Method

Using Reverse Bottle Adventure, it's possible to put a Bottle in almost any inventory slot, even if you don't have the corresponding item. This does not overwrite the item from your C-button directly, and you can still use the item from your C-button as long as you don't equip over it. If you become adult Link without having bombs in the inventory, you can use this method to get a Bottle in your Bombs slot, which will unlock Bomb drops. This method is also the only way to get a Bottle over the Ice Arrows slot or Light Arrows slot.

Last updated 07/04/2021 – NatalyaHasDied