Death through Load Zones


By dying on the same frame he enters a load zone, Link will die immediately when the new map is loaded. Due to Game Overs taking a higher priority than cutscenes, any cutscene normally meant to be played will not be able to start. This can lead to interesting effects and loading into map states not normally meant to be accessible.

How To

(Note: For ground trigger loads, this trick will only work if Link is on the ground touching the trigger on the same frame he dies. This is important because some damage sources such as bombs make Link airborne.)

With bombs

For air triggers, first get to a half heart of health or less, then place a bomb down near a load zone. Position Link near the bomb in a way that on the frame Link dies and becomes airborne, he will touch the load trigger in the air.

For ground triggers, first get to a half heart of health or less, then place a bomb down near a load zone. Get on Epona and line her up far enough away that you can start an Epona Slide and slide into the load zone, touching the load zone on the same frame Link dies. (Note: Link will not become airborne from the damage while in the sliding state.)

With enemies

With low enough health that a hit from an enemy will kill, bring an enemy next to a load zone. Wait for the enemy to attack Link, then walk into the trigger on the same frame the hit connects.


Ooccoo on arm and Ooccoo sliding

Discovered by LegendofLinkk and Blizzard Blanc

With a bottled fairy, pulling Ooccoo Sr. frame perfectly after taking damage that doesn't deal knockback and then saying 'Yes' to warp out of the dungeon results in Link dying into the warp cutscene and being revived by the fairy. This has the strange effect of leaving Ooccoo on Link's arm. Because Ooccoo has collision, picking up some objects will cause Ooccoo's collision to push against the object's collision, causing Link to slide around.

Original Ooccoo on arm discovery video

This has no known uses. Pulling Ooccoo again while she's already on Link's arm softlocks the game. Performing this glitch with Ooccoo Jr. just causes Ooccoo Jr. to fly away from Link slowly.

Theoretical Barrier CS Skip

If it were possible to pull a bomb in Castle Town center, one could die into the Barrier cutscene trigger and heal with a fairy bottle, allowing entry to the doors to Hyrule immediately.

Last updated 09/12/2024 – bewildebeest